The Kickstart Scheme

Two people looking out across London from the top of Tate Modern Switch House
Get involved in the government's Kickstart Scheme and benefit from specialist support to grow your business.

What is the Kickstart Scheme?

Targeted at 16 to 24 year olds, the Kickstart Scheme is a £2bn government initiative that provides funding for businesses to create new jobs.

The scheme helps to inject the talents and energies of young people into firms, and helps those firms with their recovery, as well as providing fully-funded support for wages and administration requirements.

Businesses across all sectors can host placements, however sole traders are currently unable to take part in the scheme.

Get extra assistance

London & Partners is proud to partner with The Growth Company to help businesses access and benefit from the Kickstart Scheme. We're encouraging London's businesses to play their part in developing the next generation of talent.

The Growth Company’s support package includes:

  • Being your Gateway Organisation: if you’re not able to offer the minimum requirement of 30 placements on your own, it can partner you with other organisations in its network to collectively offer this amount.
  • On-placement support: by providing a comprehensive development package for those on placement, taking away your need to organise or deliver this.
  • Employment services: benefit from a range of HR and "back office" support to help onboard new-starters – so you’re free to focus on simply "hosting".

Get started

Explore what's on offer and register your interest.

Other useful resources

Find out what help there is for businesses and employees affected by COVID-19.

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